Christopher Mezler


    Christopher Mezler


    Christopher is an M&A Business Development Analyst at Zumera and is primarily responsible for the development of process architectures and AI-supported applications to optimize business processes in M&A. He also supports projects that integrate marketing, web design and communication.

    His career began during his studies with the founding of the web and marketing agency Vivantic and his work in the auditing department of PwC Germany. Prior to Zumera, Christopher worked at the FinTech start-up DealCircle as an M&A Business Development Analyst and in the M&A Research Department.

    He graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Economics from the Jade University of Applied Sciences and Westfield State University in the USA.

    CV Highlights

    • DealCircle GmbH
    • PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH
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