Travel & Entertainment

The travel and entertainment industry in Germany offers enormous market potential. The trend towards travel as a way of life as well as the popularity of Germany as a holiday destination increase the opportunities for the German travel and leisure industry. Digital business models also allow easy access to new customers and innovative products.

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    Executive Summary

Current Developments

A holiday-ready sector recovers

The Corona pandemic hit the travel and entertainment industry enormously hard and resulted in a sharp decline in travel volumes worldwide, leaving the entire sector in crisis mode for a long time.

Growth Rates



Workation is a model where the home office is effectively moved to the holiday location. For example, many are almost converting their second homes to first homes and working remotely from the holiday location.


Our Sector Transactions
Highlight Transaction
Number of M&A transactions - DACH region, 2021 (as of August)
Significant Transactions
  • CVC Capital Partners Limited x Away Resorts Limited
  • Cinven Limited x Restaurant Brands Iberia Sl

Future Trends

The demand for local and nature-based itineraries is steadily growing and will play a bigger role in the tourism industry in the future. The Corona crisis and the trend towards sustainability have caused a significant increase in requests for local-based holiday options. The use of virtual and augmented reality technologies in the leisure industry will become even more important. The impact of COVID-19 has clearly demonstrated the potential of virtual activities, such as experiencing concerts and museum visits in a virtual environment, which opens up new business opportunities.

Our View

Travel has become a necessary need for the German population. With the easing of the COVID-19 situation, travel and event volumes will see a strong increase - likewise, digital events will gain more appreciation. Trends such as workation and ecological tourism will have a major impact on people's travel behaviour. In addition, there are new opportunities in the entertainment industry as the acceptance of virtual activities has been increased by the pandemic.

Our View

Sector Update

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