Marian Gerster

COO & Founder


    Media & Advertising - Consumer & Retail



Marian Gerster


Marian Gerster is COO at Zumera. He joined SXH´s Digital Unit, now Zumera, in 2021 as part of the Management Team.

Marian is responsible for the sectors Marketing & Media and the marketing efforts of Zumera. Prior to that, he was Head of the Marketing at Carl Finance GmbH, where he acted as part of the management team and lead for the Marketing department. He built up the Marketing team from zero and acted as the driving force of the firm’s growth strategy and execution. Further, he initiated the acquisition of over 50 Sell Side M&A mandates. Earlier in his career, he gained experience as part of KPMG’s management consultancy and from media consulting projects at a Swiss advisory boutique. In the digital growth team at the Google EMEA headquarter he advised C-level clients in their marketing and digital strategy. Further, he gained international experience at various stations in South Africa, Brazil, Ireland and Portugal.

He graduated from Vienna University of Economics and Business and Nova School of Business and Economics with a CEMS Master in International Management. He has been guest lecturer of Master’s programs at University of Mannheim.

CV Highlights

  • Head of Marketing, Carl
  • Digital Growth Consultant, Google
  • Management Consultant, KPMG Advisory
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