Marian Gerster joins Saxenhammer & Co. as Director
Today, the investment banking boutique Saxenhammer & Co. announced the appointment of Marian Gerster as Director. He will be responsible for the Marketing & Media sectors. Gerster will also be in charge of expanding the digital and sector-specific know-how to ensure growth. Previously, he led the marketing and growth activities of the FinTech platform Carl for over three years.

Marian Gerster joined as Director the investment banking boutique Saxenhammer & Co.. In this role, he will be in charge of the Marketing & Media sectors and will contribute to the overall growth of the investment banking boutique.
” I am delighted to have won Marian Gerster, an expert in the field of Marketing & Media, for Saxenhammer & Co. and am looking forward to an exciting growth phase for Saxenhammer & Co. thanks to the extremely positive start of the new business unit.” says Christian Saxenhammer.

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